July 18, 2014

Law of Kindness

Proverbs 31:26 (AMP)

She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom, 
and on her tongue is the law of kindness 
[giving counsel and instruction].

As bible study girls, we're good at this--with one another.  Come visit us any time we gather, and you will hear godly wisdom, kindness, counsel, and encouragement.  We're experts at building one another up and often leave fuller than we came. We're pretty amazing at this with our children too.  Sometimes, anyway... when we're not yelling at them for the science explosions they conduct in our kitchen; or, when we are honest-to-goodness trying not to grab the door, the handle, the seat, or the dashboard as they learn to drive. We spend a ton of time with our kids, and we give them wisdom and counsel and instruction day-in, day-out. 

But our husbands?


I don't know if they're onto us or not, but we all know (better to whisper, I think) that our husbands need us.  Of course God gave them a helper.  We didn't get one; they did. Ahem. Do I have godly, skillful wisdom? You betcha.  Amazing counsel and instruction? More than he'd like. How else would he know how to change the filters and put batteries in the remote? But it's the middle of this little Oreo of a bible verse that gets me: 

And on her tongue is the law of kindness.

Well, let me say it this way: click here, dear sister, click right here!

As we extend, open, reach, send and spread forth these blessings to our beloveds, as we greatly enrich their lives, and as we bless them with skillful, godly wisdom and instruction--let's get one thing down: THE CENTER OF THE OREO COOKIE IS THE BEST PART. THE STUFF OF LIFE.  IT'S WHERE IT'S AT. THROW OUT THE OREO AND CALL IT WORTHLESS, IF THERE'S NO SUGARY, INSANELY WONDERFUL FILLING.

Kindness tastes sweet.

It's the best part.

Let's be law-abiding bible study girls.  Holy Spirit, help us love our husbands with the law of kindness, I pray. Now go be sweet to your guy! Be the DOUBLE STUF OREO. 

I'm hungry. Bye.

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