John 2: 3-5
The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus’ mother told him,
“They have no more wine.”
“Dear woman, that’s not our problem,” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.”
But his mother told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
It was June 10, 1982, when a British punk rock band known as The Clash released a song called, Should I Stay or Should I Go. {You're singing it in your head right now, aren't you? Me too.} Want to sing it with the band and watch the video of a thousand 80s shoes? Well, here you go, my Love: Should I Stay or Should I Go -- by, The Clash.
I kicked off my wedges and washed my face--thought the wedding was over. Seems like we've been in John 2 enough, and--quite frankly--I thought it was time for us to go. But then . . . that song. Should we stay or should we go now? Maybe it's the Holy Spirit? How about one more day at the wedding in Cana . . .
Because. Mary.
Yesterday, we invited Jesus. We lifted our needs to him and told him our troubles. Precious Mary set this example for us. Let's glean from her encounter with Jesus. This morning, let's confess our needs and then obey.
A need arose. It wasn't life nor death. It didn't have to be. However big or small, it was a need. And Mary went straight to Jesus over it. She stated it plainly.
His Response. Jesus responded tenderly. The expression he used when he called her woman was gentler than one might think. The only other time Jesus called her by this exact name was when he was hanging on Calvary's cross. Jesus responded, not yet.
Her Response. Pure faith. She left the matter with him, completely unaware of what he would do. Regardless of the outcome, one thing was certain: he was able. She went to the servants and gave the best advice in the history of all time of ever: Do whatever he tells you. Obey.
As we empty ourselves to be filled in Him this morning, let us confess our needs and trust Him. And most of all, let's do whatever He tells us.
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