August 29, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

I found it on Pinterest.  Because you can find anything on there.  Like these cute shoes.  That are from TARGET.

And these salted caramel and chocolate chunk cookies:

I could go on and on because...

But I digress.

That Socratees quote.  It just sort of leapt off the screen and stared at me daringly, Go ahead and be busy--enjoy your barrenness.

We are wrapping up our first week back to school; and girls, aren't we already busy?  Rushing for what we forgot/need/want.  The black socks with the grey swoosh--not the white one.  More bottled waters.  The teacher's wish list items.  Another binder.  A light, thin-weight cardigan to wear over her shirt because the straps are only two-finger-widths wide when they need to be three-finger-widths wide and also it's 104 degrees outside so not too thick a sweater please and ps., it needs to come down mid-thigh or you'll be dress-coded. 

We are up at the crack of dawn for [fill-in-the-blank] practice, and we stay hours after school carpooling to and from [fill-in-more-blanks]. When asked for your address do you identify your street or the make and model of your car? 

I have already busted out the crock pot, crashed my iCalendar, and signed 34 jillion forms/slips/checks/orders/syllabi/folders. I've bought and sold discount cards, cookie dough, and spirit wear. I have 16 SignUp Genius emails in my inbox right now. 

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Because there's work-doing, laundry-folding, house-cleaning, food-shopping, meal-planning, lunch-packing, dinner-cooking, bill-paying, form-signing, errand-running, snack-baking, carpool-driving, coffee-buying, child-raising, husband-praising, picture-taking, memory-making, bible reading, church-going, list-making, game-cheering, sign-upping stuff to do.

And it's important stuff.  But are we called to do all things at all times? To always say YES? Be on all committees? Sign up for everything? When I hit "submit," SignUp Genius feels more like SignUp Sucker.

"All our busy rushing ends in nothing."
                                          Psalm 39:6

So here's a question: If Jesus himself didn't please all people at all times, what makes us think we can?

With all that running around, are we missing moments that matter? Like... time alone in the car to hear how his day was? Chatting on her bed as she picks out tomorrow's outfit? Snuggling on the couch together. Eating dinner around the table. Having lunch with your oldest friend. A long walk when it's not 104 degrees outside. 

Let's slow down and be intentional. When we deliberately fill our lives, they become pregnant with meaning--never barren. 

When we slow our pace, we open space for the Holy Spirit to lead us. 

As we start our new school year, let's ask Him to guide our steps--to show us where and when to empty or fill. Let's be obedient. And not apologize to others for it.

The name of our bible study blog is Utterly Filled.
Are you?

August 10, 2014

Lessons from My Daughter

Hebrews 12:1

"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

Sitting on the couch with her over a pint of Ben & Jerry's, tear splats stinging the corners of our eyes, my daughter smiled and said, "The verse I've prayed this whole time, Mom, is that I would run with endurance the race marked out for me." 

And she is.

Thing is, we thought the race was more of a Fun Run, and she's in back-to-back marathons. She's faced some big challenges this year, and she's endured a lot. And God has been so faithful--every. step. of. the. way.

We've noticed when the shape of the course changes so does our understanding of God. Those uphill climbs, those twisty turns, those uneven paths build faith muscles. Trust grows! Dependency deepens.  And it is just plain good to be near God (Psalm 73:28).

And it is just plain good to spend time with my girl. We are laughing and crying and talking and praying and dreaming and growing and working and doing life together.  It is messy and rich and wonderful and hard and beautiful and filled with New York Superfudge Chunk and Peanut Butter Fudge Core. I love and admire this precious teen of mine, and I am learning the most wonderful things from her.

Aren't daughters wonderful? I'd love to hear what you're learning from yours too! XO!

Lessons I’ve Learned from My Daughter
  1. The race thins out on the high road, but the sights are spectacular and the path never leads to regret.                          
  2. True beauty shines in "Strength & Dignity" – not in Kendra Scott jewelry or a new jersey.
  3. "God is good. All the time." It's especially true when the “all” part is hard.
  4. Can confrontation ever be wiser than bringing it straight to Jesus? We don't always need better understanding from others, we need to better understand God's sovereignty.
  5. Hearing and doing are two different things: always choose to follow-through with the doing.
  6. Work hard. No matter what the goal is, work hard.  Go the distance. Never let circumstances influence your work ethic.
  7. Humility is the reflection we see in someone who has received God's grace and fully gives it away. Give it away, over and over, freely and fully.
  8. Pleasing others and pursuing perfection are impossible ideals that only serve as potholes along the path; run opposite them.
  9. Be girly. Be smart, sweet, silly and strong.  Be free-spirited and joyful.  Trust God with all you’ve got. Sing loud praises in the shower. Be wise and innocent. Be tough, fair and fun. Be beautiful, talented and hilarious. Be strong and feminine. Confident and humble. Capable and Kind. Be 100%YOU.
  10. It’s YOUR race to run; run it with endurance!

August 6, 2014

Our Amen

2 Corinthians 1:20

For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!" 
And through Christ, our "Amen" (which means "Yes") ascends to God for his glory.

I just saw this on Facebook. And poof! Saw it, saved it, uploaded it here--all in 20 seconds. It is my cyber-AMEN. Yes, John Piper, yes! I want God to be glorified in me!  And I want to be satisfied in Him! Tell me more...

So I googled this quote.
4,670,000 results in less than a third of a second
And there are looooong YouTube videos
And seminary-ish articles with big words
And Piper has published a jillion books
And if you Wikipedia him, you can learn about what it means to be an optimistic premillenialist, a contninuationist, and a Christian Hedonist.

I have lots-of-syllable-ist overload because, basically, I am trying to scuba dive and my brain is like a little baby pair of flippers. Some help. {Splish, splash!}

(I literally just scratched my head.)

Ever do that? (Not the head scratch.) Ever search for something . . . in, a quick-fix place?  Like a blog, an app, a girlfriend? I'm often guilty of it. I want snappy, easy answers in plain English, please.  I don't want to have to work for it. When I have a struggle, I'd like a simple solution. A question? I'd like a direct answer. Discernment? Spell it out for me. I need it quick, too--like in a third of a second. Give me Google.
Thing is, God isn't Google; and we'll never find satisfaction in a search bar.  

Satisfaction--true, God-glorifying satisfaction--isn't found in a blog, tweet or post. It's more than song lyrics and a Snickers jingle. True satisfaction--abiding in Him and He in me--can only be found in One place.

Let's run to him, Dear One. Jesus is the only answer. Our AMEN
O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water.
I have seen you in your sanctuary
and gazed upon your power and glory.
Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!
I will praise you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
I will praise you with songs of joy.
I lie awake thinking of you,
meditating on you through the night.
Because you are my helper,
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
your strong right hand holds me securely. 
                                           Psalm 63:1-8

August 4, 2014

Be Made Complete

2 Corinthians 13:11

"Rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; 
and the God of love and peace will be with you."

I love the gathering of friends and passing of plates and telling of stories. The fullness of it all. Thunderous laughter. Napkins mounded on the washing machine as desserts are laid out. Women whirring about the kitchen. Good food, excellent friends. Our bible study kick off was over a month ago, and I'm already looking forward to our Fall together.

You know our little carafes? Mine broke today.
Because there are boys. 

There are boys who find sticks and wire on throwing knives to make them into spears. Boys who throw paddles and balls and darts at one another, and wrestle on the floor in fits of pain and laughter.  Boys who have no use for convention--Why shower when there's a creek, why brush our teeth when we're just gonna eat candy anyway?

In this case, boys who sweetly carried in my groceries for me and knocked over the little carafe. Tender, sorrowful eyes, "No big deal!" Actually, it sort of blessed me. My prayer was but a whisper ... I am this carafe, Lord.  Ragged edges.  Rough, sharp points. Broken. Jesus, make me whole. 

Ever feel that way? Like God can't fill you because you're broken? A beautiful vessel one minute and in sharp, broken pieces the next. Perhaps not broken--but you're worn thin, ragged and fragile? Like I-don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed-and-is-When-Harry-Met-Sally-on-TV-and-I-think-I'll-just-stay-in-my-jammies-and-eat-ice-cream-but-thank-you-anyway broken? 

Take heart.
Because there is a God.

There is a God who restores.  He puts the pieces back together again, this God of ours.  He knows there are bumps in life.  That hearts get broken.  Health fails. Kids disappoint. Stress rises. Dreams disappear. The enemy attacks. 

Life is hard. 

Emotionally we can wear thin and splinter apart. But God makes us whole again.  In today's verse He tells us to, "Rejoicebe made complete..." In Greek, it translates, I fit together; I'm mended, equipped, perfected, prepared, restored. 

We worship the Living God who perpetually puts us back together again--who mends us so that we fit together--in Him.  We abide in Him, and He abides in us (1 John 4:13). In Him, we are utterly whole. Amazing grace!

This is our truth--regardless of our brokenness, our circumstances, our fears, our sins, our fractured spirits. We are made perfectly whole. Again and again. Let's stand on each powerful truth:

I fit together.
I am mended.
I am equipped.
I am perfected.
I am prepared.
I am restored.

I am . . . also wondering how When Harry Met Sally is 25 years old? 

Dearest friend, the God of love and peace is with us. Let's bring our brokenness to our Restorer Redeemer and rest in fitting together with Him. Indeed, great cause for rejoicing!