I found it on Pinterest. Because you can find anything on there. Like these cute shoes. That are from TARGET.
And these salted caramel and chocolate chunk cookies:
I could go on and on because...
But I digress.
That Socratees quote. It just sort of leapt off the screen and stared at me daringly, Go ahead and be busy--enjoy your barrenness.
We are wrapping up our first week back to school; and girls, aren't we already busy? Rushing for what we forgot/need/want. The black socks with the grey swoosh--not the white one. More bottled waters. The teacher's wish list items. Another binder. A light, thin-weight cardigan to wear over her shirt because the straps are only two-finger-widths wide when they need to be three-finger-widths wide and also it's 104 degrees outside so not too thick a sweater please and ps., it needs to come down mid-thigh or you'll be dress-coded.
We are up at the crack of dawn for [fill-in-the-blank] practice, and we stay hours after school carpooling to and from [fill-in-more-blanks]. When asked for your address do you identify your street or the make and model of your car?
I have already busted out the crock pot, crashed my iCalendar, and signed 34 jillion forms/slips/checks/orders/syllabi/folders. I've bought and sold discount cards, cookie dough, and spirit wear. I have 16 SignUp Genius emails in my inbox right now.
Busy. Busy. Busy.
Because there's work-doing, laundry-folding, house-cleaning, food-shopping, meal-planning, lunch-packing, dinner-cooking, bill-paying, form-signing, errand-running, snack-baking, carpool-driving, coffee-buying, child-raising, husband-praising, picture-taking, memory-making, bible reading, church-going, list-making, game-cheering, sign-upping stuff to do.
And it's important stuff. But are we called to do all things at all times? To always say YES? Be on all committees? Sign up for everything? When I hit "submit," SignUp Genius feels more like SignUp Sucker.
"All our busy rushing ends in nothing."
Psalm 39:6
So here's a question: If Jesus himself didn't please all people at all times, what makes us think we can?
With all that running around, are we missing moments that matter? Like... time alone in the car to hear how his day was? Chatting on her bed as she picks out tomorrow's outfit? Snuggling on the couch together. Eating dinner around the table. Having lunch with your oldest friend. A long walk when it's not 104 degrees outside.
Let's slow down and be intentional. When we deliberately fill our lives, they become pregnant with meaning--never barren.
When we slow our pace, we open space for the Holy Spirit to lead us.
As we start our new school year, let's ask Him to guide our steps--to show us where and when to empty or fill. Let's be obedient. And not apologize to others for it.
The name of our bible study blog is Utterly Filled.
Are you?